2014 President's Report
Greetings. This year, 2014, has been rather challenging for our IPMS Club. The sudden and sad
death of Colin Murray was a shock to us all, and he will be remembered for his interest in
tackling the very large models. Then, three of our active members, Tod Trotman, David Tressler,
and Bob Hartsuiker all moved away to other places, so not able to participate in Club
activities. We do, however, wish them well in their new ventures. Owen Dickson has had
very serious health problems, and we wish him well in his recovery. We have, though, had an
increase in membership, with Marty and Paul returning, and new members Wayne King, and Alex
McLean very welcome.
Our bi-annual Model Display & Competition was, again, very successful, especially
for the excellent presentation of displays, and the high standard of modelling. It’s certainly
encouraging to see the quality of our modelling continue to rise. Thanks to all those
members who participated, and congratulations to Russell on his Best in Show. In 2016 we are
holding the S.I. Champs, so plenty of time to prepare. With the Nationals in Dunedin next
year, and in Alexandra in 2017, there is enough incentive for all of us to keep modelling, and
make the effort to attend and enjoy these events.
Workshop attendance has been rather low over the last few months, so we do need
to introduce some more incentives for members to turn up. The committee is working on
this. Figure painting is top of the list!
Again, I would sincerely thank the members of the committee for their hard work
over the year, and their attendance at meetings. Special mention must go to Secretary Bruce
for his attention to minutes and news-sheets, Russ for always opening up and setting up for
workshops, Bob for his meticulous attention to our finances, Greg for our website
production, and the use of his model workshop for our meetings, and Mark for his time and input
over the year. You are a fine management team!
Finally, thanks to all our members for their participation in Club activities throughout
the year. Keep up the good work with the modelling, and, above all, enjoy what you are doing.
See you all at our Christmas function on the 14th December. A Merry Christmas to everyone
and your families.
Happy modelling.
Lester Kidd